Tea Party Spinner Game
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Spread the real fabric tablecloth, ready the teapot spinner, china, and all the teatime treats. Spin for Tea, Sandwiches, Desserts, Fruit, Cream & Sugar, and Napkin & Utensils. The first guest to collect an item from every category wins the game, but everyone will enjoy choosing among the tempting party goodies.
Product Benefit: Imaginative play combines with practicing patience and turn-taking in a simple spinner game that groups elements by categories.
About the Illustrator: Lizzy Rockwell lives and works in Connecticut with her husband and dog, Reggie. Lizzy has been an artist her whole life, spending hours drawing and creating stories with her brother and sister. She has illustrated many beautiful children's books and gifts.
Time for Tea!
Spin for a plate and napkin first,
Then some tea to quench your thirst.
Mind your manners if you please
But lose a turn if you see bees!
Ta-ta for now, I have to run;
I finished first and I have won!